The Winter Solstice, What Is It?

Diposting oleh writer on Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

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Usually, the winter solstice is called 'winter', that is 21 December and when we experience the shortest dan.Osi tilt of the Earth at its farthest, and it appears more evident further north one.

This is without doubt one of the oldest celebrations known to man and, of course, preceded by anything Roman. This was an ancient Norse people believed that the sun is wheel-drive of the season and it is from the word 'wheel' that we get the word 'Christmas'. With the days getting from this point there was much to celebrate our Nordic friends smoked pipes, singing songs and probably drank too much.

of the Celts came to celebrate this day. Cutting the sacred mistletoe from the oak and have a great holidays below. We still used in many Mistletoe Christmas traditions today.

Perhaps this is the winter solstice has been used as a method or marker, measurement of the stores that are stored in order to see our ancestors through the winter. It would be necessary to know exactly at what stage they were during the winter. Most cattle that were killed at that time to avoid the use of valuable food to feed them. It is known that many people in the northern area, met his death through starvation between January and April.

good luck, however, it would be safe to say that wine and beer that are made from the summer harvest fermented by now, and I made ​​that I use as winter comes howling in.

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