Ok, what scholars of Jewish history, he is also a question for you. What does it mean to be a hero? In the famous story of Hanukkah, we all know and love, the story of Judah Maccabbee and his family who fought and defeated the Syrian Greeks and rededicated the Temple, the little cruise of oil which is only supposed to last one day but lasted eight days, piercing story Hannah and her sons who died before the secular sacred name of God, in that famous story that he was a hero? Who is at the most courage?
Well, you could say that all of them were heroes, and to some extent to be right. Judah and his brothers showed physical courage against the raw physical power of the enemy's army. They fought well, they were brave and we remember them with love and pride. It is perhaps no coincidence that when we are Jews, whether in the State of Israel or the Diaspora, the schedule of Olympic-type events, they are almost always called Maccabi and Maccabiah Games. We honor the efforts of the Maccabees shows, and we honor them in this way moves.
Ana and her sons were heroes, sons refused to renounce their faith, and they are willing to die as martyrs, to be paid to the holy name of God, and Ana stood and watched as each was killed .. I could give them the Romans, but it is not. Our tradition is full of examples of those who chose to die as Jews, not live as otpadnici.Deset rabbis who were executed by the Romans and those brave souls who died at Masada remind us it is always necessary to protect our Jewish identity, regardless of it.
No, my personal choice for the hero is a priest who Hanukkah menorah is lit in the temple, knowing that there was only enough oil for one day. He knew that oil had to last for eight days, because that is how many days before the temple dedication was held. He knew he did not have enough oil, and it caught fire anyway. How could he do it? He has faith that somehow, in a way that did not even know at the time, somehow a miracle will happen and there will be enough ulja.Najjednostavnija thing for him that he did not make it to the light menorah, and probably nobody would criticize him . But he is not the easy way out. He had faith, he lit a menorah, a miracle happened.
Miracles happen to those who ask them to happen. At the time of the Maccabees and in our time as well. Happy Hanukkah!
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